Friday, August 27, 2010

Some drawings!

Sometimes we have breaks during the day, and I like to let my mind relax a bit rather than trying to overload it. So, often I find myself drawing the people around me. I'm not actually good at drawing, so I tend to draw people with some sort of defining feature, usually a beard. Also, hair is pretty difficult, so I haven't ventured into drawing girls yet. Anyway, rather than uploading legitimate photos of some fellow TWers, I will present drawings instead.

photo 1
Mahadev, owner of one of the most awesome voices.

photo 3
Vatsal, constantly on the prowl to mess with someone's unlocked computer.

photo 2
Rahul, the nicest guy around.

photo 4
Steve, white male.

photo 1(2)
Dan, our CFO. Every time I see him, he's got a smile on his face.

photo 2(2)
As the day goes on, my sketches become more abstract.

1 comment:

  1. howcome nobody commented on this post! sketches are really funny :)
